Monday 14 October 2013

Reflections on blogging as a noggin!

Oh, you should create a blog ... it's easily accessible, user friendly, you can share your news with friends, colleagues and fellow students ... creating a personal journey of interesting viewpoints, reflections and latest academic research about our working progress in a related field, in my case, within the post 16 education and community sectors.

Well, I tried ... it all began so well, at first ... I logged onto Google and found the right button to create my first blog ... but oh the possibilities,they appear endless ... the means to work out how to make your blog do what you beheld in your vision at the very beginning of this innovative idea ... simply a minefield!

I felt like a fool, walking aimlessly around Hampton Court Maze, trying to remain cool whilst knowing full well I have no idea where my physical presence existed within the seamless grass time-warp that had seemed to consume all my abilities to make informed choices and exert my autonomous power that might eventually

be my fate accomplice!

Thank goodness for ICT lectures and Mandy Peace at University of Wales Trinity St. David for saving my face and my virgin blog on more than several occasions. I am indebted to the whole team and our collaborative input that enabled this blog post to ever make it onto the public wall for anyone to add a contribution by way of refutation, rebuke or a welcomed conjecture to any impromptu inclinations to post about current issues, to spruce up daily regurgitations that still present themselves in this epoch of modernity.

Of course under the auspices of a university, academic research is one of the leading authorities on the latest knowledge inherent in anything knowledgeable or technical so I defer all technical errors, found here present to the over-arching powers that monitor my independent IT skills, in my best interest of course and to protect the safety of its readers ... I say in jest of course!

I am faithful that my idealized aims to blog interesting posts, both academic and personal (which who knows may synchronize even sometimes) - to create a kind of working archive that can be resourced time and again, as a pointer and a reminder towards delivering the best practice and an effective reflexive tool to enable the continuation of professional and personal development.

Blogging, it appears is a generous activity since it empowers anybody with the power to publish anything they might wish to share with anybody else in the world ... the art of blogging, I suppose is finding innovative and engaging ways to invite others to read what you thought was interesting material ...

I am interested to learn who would be interested in how I see the world, my viewpoints about specific items probably and usually affiliated within the field of education. I love the new Translation button, who in China, Nepal or Katmandu might stumble upon the musings of this ever optimistic writer and post their comments, generously creating a 'global' community that may be accessed from any remote corner or maze for that matter .. wherever they may be!


  1. I read your Blog with some interest Anj ,especially the use of such great English words that can be theasaurised for those of us who enjoy doing that ...
    Long may your grammatical configurations act as a resourceful , comprehensible and demonstrative read!

    1. Thanks Mark, I do enjoy writing and conveying my thoughts to text. Unlike verbal communication I find it enables a greater capacity for reflexive practice and is a little more forgiving. Its possible, for instance, to delete what you have just iterated; a luxury the spoken word simply cannot match!

      Thanks for reading my blurb in any case and I am going to search for your blog in the quest for further inspiration ... I will feedback my comments to you.

  2. Great post Anj, my favourite bit is your reference to the collaboration with the rest of the group. It is what I love about web 2, but you guys are making it all so interesting for me. I know IT has its foibles but there are some great aspect too
